How To Calculate The Total Load Over The RCC Slab?

This article guides you through calculating the total load acting on a reinforced cement concrete (RCC) slab. We'll break down the components of the total load and demonstrate the calculation steps.

1. Understanding the Load on an RCC Slab

The total load on an RCC slab comprises two main components:

  • Dead Load: This is the permanent weight acting on the slab due to its own weight and any permanent fixtures.
  • Live Load: This is the variable load imposed on the slab by people, furniture, equipment, or other temporary elements.

2. Data for Sample Calculation

For this example, we'll consider an RCC slab with the following dimensions:

  • Length (L) = 4500 millimeters (mm) = 4.5 meters (m)
  • Width (B) = 3000 mm = 3.0 m
  • Thickness (T) = 125 mm = 0.125 m

We'll also assume a live load of 4 kN/m² (kilonewtons per square meter).

3. Calculating the Dead Load

The dead load consists of two parts:

  • Self-weight of the Slab: This is calculated by multiplying the slab volume by the concrete density. Density of concrete is typically taken as 25 kN/m³.

Self-weight of slab = L × B × T × Density of concrete

= 4.5 m × 3.0 m × 0.125 m × 25 kN/m³

= 1.6875 m³ × 25 kN/m³

= 42.19 kN

  • Floor Finish Weight: This is the weight of the permanent floor covering material like tiles or paint. Here, we'll assume a weight of 1.5 kN/m².

Floor finish weight = L × B × Weight of floor finish

= 4.5 m × 3.0 m × 1.5 kN/m²

= 13.5 m² × 1.5 kN/m²

= 20.25 kN

4. Total Dead Load

The total dead load is the sum of the self-weight of the slab and the floor finish weight.

Total dead load = Self-weight of slab + Floor finish weight

= 42.19 kN + 20.25 kN

= 62.44 kN


5. Calculating the Live Load

The live load is the designed load for people, furniture, or equipment expected on the slab. In this example, we're using a live load of 4 kN/m².

Live load = L × B × Live load per unit area

= 4.5 m × 3.0 m × 4 kN/m²

= 13.5 m² × 4 kN/m²

= 54 kN


6. Calculating the Total Load

The total load on the slab is the sum of the dead load and the live load.

Total load = Dead load + Live load

= 62.44 kN + 54 kN

= 116.44 kN

7. Factored Load for Design

Factored load per unit area = Factored load / Slab area

= 174.66 kN / (4.5 m × 3.0 m)

= 174.66 kN / 13.5 m²

= 12.94 kN/m²


Following these steps, we've calculated that the total load acting on the sample RCC slab is 116.44 kN. For design purposes, considering a factor of safety of 1.5, the factored load is 174.66 kN. This translates to a factored load per unit area of 12.94 kN/m².

8. Note:

This is a simplified example for educational purposes. Real-world calculations may involve additional factors depending on specific project requirements and building codes. It's recommended to consult a structural engineer for designing actual RCC slabs.

9. How To Calculate The Total Load Over The RCC Slab?